The Slovak Junior Champion Title Order
To become a Slovak Junior Champion one needs:
- Three times CAJC award in the Youth class from minimum two different judges at
the shows held under patronage of Slovenska kynologicka jednota in Slovakia. - Two CAJC award was awarded at the CACIB dog show, the others at national or
special shows held under patronage of Slovenska kynologicka jednota. - One CAJC award can be replaced with one CAC – awarded till 24 month of age of
the dog. This CAC cannot more be used by the application for Slovak adult
champion. - Slovak Junior champion not authorized for the participation in champion class on
The Slovak Junior Champion title is confirmed upon owner’s request (prescribed form) at: Slovenská kynologická jednota, Furmanská 9, 84103 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
To the request, please, enclose originals of the judge reports, original of CAJC cards and the copy of the pedigree. Send all via registered shipment (not currier).
Fees charged for the Slovak Junior Champion are as follows 20 Eur + postage 10 Eur.
Issuing of diploma on show ground = 30 Eur.
This order was adopted by SKJ Presidium held on April 28, 2022.
Valid is from January 1st 2023.
Please, make your payment via bank transfer. Our bank account details are:
IBAN: SK35 1100 0000 0026 6108 0123
Tatra banka, Hodzovo nam. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia