The Slovak Beauty Champion Title ORDER
The Slovak beauty champion title can be confirmed when a dog fulfill:
- Four CAC title gained at international, national, all-state, club or special dog
shows organized on the territory of Slovakia, held under patronage of Slovenska
kynologicka jednota (The Slovak kennel club) - The necessary CAC titles were awarded in two different show seasons (a show
season = a calendar year) - The CAC titles were awarded by at least two different judges
- At least two CAC title was awarded at the CACIB dog show, the others at the
international, national, club or special shows held under patronage of Slovenska
kynologicka jednota on the territory of Slovakia - One CAC title can be substitute by three “reserve CAC”
- CAC title from the international dog show can be substituted solely by three
“reserve CAC” titles from the international dog shows - Only one CAC title can be substituted by three “reserve CAC”
- Only those CAC titles can be accepted that have not been used for other
champion titles
2. Utility breeds (according to F.C.I. regulations, breeds that are required to have a working test in order to apply for the CIB title) have also the other possibility:
- Two CAC titles gained at international, national, all-state, club or special dog
shows organized on the territory of Slovakia, held under patronage of Slovenska
kynologicka jednota (The Slovak kennel club) - The necessary CAC titles were awarded in two different show seasons (a show
season = a calendar year) - The CAC titles were awarded by at least two different judges
- One CAC title was awarded at the CACIB dog show, the others at the national or
special shows held under patronage of Slovenska kynologicka jednota - The dog/bitch must have a successfully passed exam that qualifies him/her to
receive an international working certificate and is an exam for the typical work
according to the breed - It is not possible to use 3x res. CAC to replace the CAC
- Only those CAC titles can be accepted that have not been used for other
champion titles
To the request for Slovak beauty champion title you must enclose a copy of international
working certificate (the certificate must obtain exactly informations about the prescripted
The Slovak beauty champion title is confirmed upon owner’s request (subscribed form) at: Slovenská kynologická jednota, Furmanská 9, 841 03 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Please, enclose originals of the reports and the copy of pedigree and by working breeds the copy of International working certificate. Send all via registered shipment (not currier).
The charge for the Slovak beauty champion title confirmation is 20 € + postage 10 €.
Issue of the diploma on show ground is 30 €.
CAC titles gained till 31. December 2017 must be submit to the application form for champion certificate with original CAC card and original of the report.
Conditions for CAC title awarding
- CAC title is awarded to dogs and bitches separately in the middle class, open
class, working class and champion class - CAC title can be given to the dog/bitch awarded by Excellent 1
- CAC title can be also awarded to the dog/bitch that is already Slovak Beauty
champion - Only an officially delegated judge can propose the dog/bitch for the CAC title
- CAC title is not a subject of claim and it is awarded only to extraordinary
dogs/bitches - The judge can award “reserve CAC” title to a dog/bitch qualified as Excellent 2 in
each class - The “reserve CAC” title can only be given in the classes where CAC title was
already awarded - The “reserve CAC” title is not a subject of claim and can be awarded only to
extraordinary dogs/bitches
Approved on April 28, 2022
Valid from January 1st, 2023
Please, make your payment via bank transfer. Our bank account details are:
IBAN: SK35 1100 0000 0026 6108 0123
Tatra banka, Hodzovo nam. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia