The Slovak working Champion title ORDER
The Working champion title can be confirmed when a dog fulfill:
1. Three CACT title obtained at international, national, club exams/trials organized on the territory of Slovakia, held under patronage of Slovenska kynologicka jednota (The Slovak kennel club).
2. At least one CACT title (from the three) must be obtained at an international exam/trial held in Slovakia.
3. One CACT title can be replaced by two Reserve CACT. If the one CACT title is from international exam/trial, the two Reserve CACT must be obtained at the international exam/trial.
4. Obtaining CACT title must be confirmed by the judge’s signature in the dog’s pedigree or by issuing a CACT title card.
After completing the conditions of the championship:
- completed application form (you can find the application in the top corner)
- copy of the dog´s pedigree (both sides)
- originals of the CACT / reserve CACT cards
- confirmation about payment
Send all documents per post (not currier) to the address:
Slovenská kynologická jednota, Furmanská 9, 84103 Bratislava, Slovakia
It is not possible to send it per e-mail.
The charge for the Working champion of Slovakia diploma is 15 € + postage 10 €.
Issue of the diploma on show ground is 30 €.
SKJ bank details:
IBAN: SK35 1100 0000 0026 6108 0123
Tatra banka, Hodzovo nam. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia
Please, make your payment via bank transfer.