Honor Champion of Slovakia
To become a Honor Champion of Slovakia is needed:
- Dog/bitch needs to obtain 3x “excellent 1” from the honor class at the international shows held under the SKJ in Slovakia.
- The excellent 1 were awarded by at least two different judges.
- Valid for the Excellent 1 from honor class obtained from January 1st, 2023.
- The Honor Champion of Slovakia title does not entitle a dog to be entered to a champion class. It is not indicated in the dog´s pedigree.
Please, enclose the completed form, originals of the reports (which you obtained in the ring, not online) a copy of the dog´s pedigree (both sides) and confirmation about payment to your application. Send all via post (not currier). It is not possible to send it per e-mail.
The Honor Champion of Slovakia title is confirmed upon owner’s request at:
Slovenská kynologická jednota, Furmanská 9, 841 03 Bratislava, Slovakia
Charged for the Honor Champion of Slovakia title is 10 €. Rossete 5 € (please note in the application if you want it).
Postage and packing abroad 10 €. Make a payment (everything together) to SKJ account.
Issuing a diploma at the show 40 €.
The Honor Champion of Slovakia Title Order was endorsed in September 12th 2023.
SKJ BANK details:
Please, make your payment via bank transfer.
Slovenská kynologická jednota
IBAN: SK35 1100 0000 0026 6108 0123
Tatra banka, Hodzovo nam. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia