An exception to the rules of the Slovak beauty champion title.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the SKJ founding, the SKJ board approved an exception to the rule of the Slovak beauty champion title (adult) for the International dog shows in Bratislava on October 26-28th, 2018 as follows:
A dog/bitch that receives 3x CAC exclusively at the International dog shows in Bratislava held on October 26, 27 and 28, 2018, will be awarded with the Slovak Beauty Champion title (based on an application for a jubilee championship). The fee for the diploma of the Slovak Beauty Champion title based on this exception is 30€.
This exception is not applicable to any other CAC titles received before or after the given dates, or to combine them in any other way. All 3 CAC titles must be won through the above mentioned weekend.
The Slovak JUBILEE beauty champion title is confirmed upon owner’s request (subscribed form) at: Slovenská kynologická jednota, Furmanská 9, 841 03 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Please, enclose originals of the reports and the copy of pedigree. Send all via registered shipment (not currier).
The charge for the Slovak JUBILEE beauty champion title confirmation is 30€ + postage 10€.
Pay the 40€ before you send the application with all documents.
Please, make your payment via bank transfer. Our bank account details are:
IBAN: SK35 1100 0000 0026 6108 0123
Tatra banka, Hodzovo nam. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia